
Level 4 Benson House

2 Benson St, Toowong Brisbane QLD 4066 Australia

8.30am - 5.00pm Mon - Fri


Struggling to repay your debts ?

According to Experian, more than 2 million Australians are financially vulnerable.

According to Experian, more than 2 million Australians are financially vulnerable. To make matters worse, many Australians are now turning to short-term lenders, which can be very expensive.

If you’re struggling to repay your debts, here are four steps to consider taking:
1. Make a full list of all your assets and debts so you know where you stand.
2. Check if there are any assets you can sell to get extra money.
3. Be proactive – speak to your creditors and negotiate a settlement. Don’t wait for them to come after you.
4. Look at long-term solutions like consolidating your debt. Direct Credit Home Loans can help you with that. For example, we can increase your home loan so you have extra money to repay all your debts. Our experienced staff will consider your case personally, even if you’re credit-impaired or self-employed.
Struggling to pay your debt? We offer debt consolidation loans.
Call us on (07) 3726 1124 or email scenarios@directcreditcomau.fixed-staging.co.uk to discuss your scenario directly with our credit team.