
Level 4 Benson House

2 Benson St, Toowong Brisbane QLD 4066 Australia

8.30am - 5.00pm Mon - Fri


NDIS Home Loans

NDIS loans have been designed to assist Investors  buy or construct a purpose built SDA certified and enrolled property.

Direct Credit Home Loans has in-house loan specialists who can guide you through the loan process journey from beginning to end. Alternatively, we can assist in refinancing your current SDA-enrolled property.

Frequently asked questions on NDIS / SDA Home Loans.

What is an NDIS Property?

SDA investment comes with unique risks so making an informed decision about getting involved is critically important.
A great starting point is the NDIS/SDA website Specialist disability accommodation | NDIS where you will find information on;
  • SDA Rules – requirements and obligations for owning and operating SDA
  • Design Standards
  • Pricing Arrangements
  • Dwelling enrolment and vacancies
  • Data on SDA and Supported Independent Living (SIL) usage

What LVR can I go to on this property type?

Generally 80% Loan to value ratio (Lvr) so you will require 20% Deposit to purchase or equity to refinance.

What loan size can I take out?

Up to $1.25Million for a construction,  Established security loan sizes up to $2Million

Can I purchase an NDIS property in my SMSF?

Established NDIS properties can be purchased in your SMSF (Self Managed Super Fund)

Can I have an Offset Account?

Yes Offset acccounts are availiable with most Direct Credit Loans

Can I use this loan for an investment property?

Yes – Can be purchased in a Trust, Company or Personal Name/s.

What are the terms for NDIS loans?

10, 15, 20, 25 years. 

What NDIS products do you offer?

What are my options for making repayments?

Principal and Interest up to 25 Yrs.
Interest Only Not availiable for this loan type.

Can I choose the frequency of my repayments?

Installments can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Extra payments on variable rate loans can be made at any time.

How do I pay my loan?

Are there any monthly or annual fees?

What is the Loan to Value Ratio (LVR)?

Loan Amount                     Max LVR
$100,000 – $1,250,000         80% Construction
$100,000 – $2,000,000       80% Established dwelling

Can I substitute a new property as security on the loan?

The security property can be substituted if required. Note there may be restrictions if loan size needs to be altered.

How will I receive my statements?

Free six monthly statements and free interim statements (issued upon request).

Can I convert my variable loan to a fixed rate loan?

All or part of the loan can be converted to a fixed rate loan (Call Direct Credit for Fixed rates – Excluding Low doc and specialist loans)

Can I redraw on this loan?

Available as required ($50 min.), accessed over the phone or via the internet (variable rate only).

Can I reduce the principal?

Yes no limit, however ‘manual’ reamortisation requests apply.

Applicable loans


Interest rate

from 7.20%

Comparison rate


Loan type




Application fee


  • 7.20% Interest rate displayed Prime NDIS Full Doc loan : 70% LVR on principle & interest repayments with  loan amount over $100,000 and under $2,000,000
  • Maximum Loan to Value Ratio is 80%.
  • Sound credit history required

*The Comparison Rate is calculated on the basis of a loan of $300,000 over a term of thirty years, including application, valuation, lenders legal / settlement / risk fees, excluding searches, registration and government charges. Valuation fees based on metro home valued at or under $500,000 at $385.00 per valuation. Securities valued at over $500,000 and excluding metro areas POA.

Warning: This comparison rate applies only to the examples given. Different amounts and terms will result in different comparison rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees, and cost savings such as fee waivers, are not included in the comparison rate but may influence the cost of the loan


Interest rate

from 7.35%

Comparison rate


Loan type



up to 80%

Annual fees


Application fee


  • From 7.35 % Interest rate displayed : Under 70% LVR  on P&I repayments with  loan amount over $100,000.
  • SMSF Rules Apply
  • Maximum Loan to Value Ratio is 80%
  • Regional areas considered
  • Lenders Risk Fee may apply
  • Minimum loan size is $100,000.
  • Maximum loan size $2,000,000 
  • Construction not availiable under SMSF.

*The Comparison Rate is calculated on the basis of a loan of $300,000 over a term of thirty years, including application, valuation, lenders legal / settlement / risk fees, excluding searches, registration and government charges. Valuation fees based on metro home valued at or under $500,000 at $385.00 per valuation. Securities valued at over $500,000 and excluding metro areas POA.

Warning: This comparison rate applies only to the examples given. Different amounts and terms will result in different comparison rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees, and cost savings such as fee waivers, are not included in the comparison rate but may influence the cost of the loan

Like More Information? - Complete form below & we will contact you.

Steps to your NDIS Home Loan

1. Am I eligible for a loan?

If you are a PAYG earner or self-employed with full financials, have a sound credit history and have at least 20% deposit for a purchase or equity in existing property – you may qualify.

2. Know your loan capacity

See how much you can borrow using our simple borrowing power calculator, or call one of our friendly team to get a detailed borrowing capacity over the phone today

3. Book a consultation or apply online

Call us on Freecall 1800 000 800 for a no obligation chat or, if you’re ready to apply get started now.